Through its multiple Housing Development programs, OHFA finances the construction and revitalization of affordable rental housing across the state of Oklahoma.
Additionally, OHFA provides payment services on behalf of HUD for 168 Performance Based Contract Administration properties.
This information is correct at the time the property was placed in OHFA's portfolio
Whispering Hills (aka Southern Heights)
3102 S. Main St.
Stillwater, OK 74074
Payne County
(405) 377-9141
Units: 85
Affordable Housing Tax Credits: 85
Performance Based Contract Administration: 85
Type: Family
Status: In Service
Whispering Meadows
1402 S. Indian Rd
Wewoka, OK 74884
Seminole County
(405) 820-4851
Units: 20
Affordable Housing Tax Credits: 20
HOME Investment Partnerships Program: 11
Type: Elderly
Status: In Service
Whispering Plains Apts.
130 N. East 24th St.
Guymon, OK 73942
Texas County
(580) 468-5580
Units: 60
Affordable Housing Tax Credits: 42
Type: Family
Status: In Service
Whittier Heights
68 North Lewis
Tulsa, OK 74110
Tulsa County
Units: 52
Affordable Housing Tax Credits: 52
Type: Elderly
Status: Under Construction
Wichita Housing Authority
201/203 Stephenson St.
205/207 Stephenson St.
Anadarko, OK 73005
Caddo County
(405) 247-7470
Units: 4
HOME Investment Partnerships Program: 4
Type: Family
Status: In Service
Wichita Housing Authority
209/211 Stephenson St, 213/215 Stephenson St, 217 Stephenson Street
Anadarko, OK 73005
Caddo County
(405) 247-7470
Units: 5
National Housing Trust Fund: 5
Type: Family
Status: In Service
Wichita Valley Apts.
103-105 E "b" St.
Cache, OK 73527
Comanche County
(580) 252-5038
Units: 16
Affordable Housing Tax Credits: 16
Type: Family
Status: In Service
Wickham Gardens
1014 S. Wickham Rd.
Sapulpa, OK 74066
Creek County
(918) 512-6933
Units: 60
Affordable Housing Tax Credits: 60
Type: Family
Status: In Service
Wilburton Village
101 Timberline
Wilburton, OK 74578
Latimer County
(918) 465-9009
Units: 24
Affordable Housing Tax Credits: 24
Type: Family
Status: In Service
E. Barton And Electra Street
Sayre, OK 73662
Beckham County
(800) 378-9366
Units: 12
Affordable Housing Tax Credits: 12
HOME Investment Partnerships Program: 8
Type: Family
Status: In Service