Do you have a specific question about the HOME or NHTF environmental review process? We've put together the answers to your most Frequently Asked Questions.
Exempt activities are listed in 24 CFR Part 58.34(a) and 58.35(b). These include CHDO Operating, Supportive Services, Tenant Based Rental Assistance, and DPA. (eCFR :: 24 CFR 58.34 -- Exempt activities.)
Excluded activities are listed in 24 CFR 58.35(a). These include:
Yes, an environmental review must be submitted for each award made / received on exempt activities even if the activity is the same as an activity undertaken in the past.
Letters can first be sent after an applicant has received the final review sheet from staff confirming that the project has passed threshold.
No, while staff may provide technical assistance, these letters must be prepared by the applicant using the templates provided.
No, exempt activities are excluded from 106 notices.
Yes, excluded activities require 106 notices.
No, staff must review and send the letters as the leading agency for the project. However, staff will provide proof of delivery and will monitor any responses the project generates.
There is a mandatory 30-day response period associated with the letters. Once all the letters have been delivered, staff will let you know when the 30-day response period has ended. The environmental review can be submitted after the response period has ended.
Yes, if the parcels are contiguous and as long as the whole project will be complete within 2 years.
No, each program has its own requirements. An environmental review used for one funding source cannot be used for another. However, certain parts of the environmental review, such as the 106 notices, can be used in both reviews.
No, each organization has to have their own environmental review process.
While we are unable to commit to a guaranteed mailing date, staff strive to have all letters reviewed, signed, and sent within 3 business days of receiving them.
You should have received emails throughout the review process from the analyst who reviewed your application. Please send the 106 notices to their attention if possible. Other department contacts can be located on the HOME and NHTF applications, as well as in the 106 notice templates.