January 28, 2025: The Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) administers the Housing Choice Voucher and other programs in strict accordance with federal regulations. At this time, the potential impact of the change in administration on our programs remains uncertain. We are hopeful that payments will remain unaffected and are currently awaiting further guidance.
2022 HOME Investment Partnerships Program, National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Action Plans Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency invites you to attend the following informal public input sessions regarding its Action Plans for the HOME, HTF and HOPWA Programs for Program Year 2022. Two sessions will be held. Choose
Note: this pricing is for the course WITHOUT the HCCP Exam. If you want the course and exam, click HERE. Housing funded through the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is an important part of Oklahoma's housing stock. This webinar series provides in-depth coverage of the compliance rules that must be followed by managers and
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on behalf of the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency (the “Issuer”) on September 27, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., at Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency, 2601 Northwest Expy, Suite 700E, Oklahoma City, OK 73112. This hearing is for the purpose of considering the approval of the issuance
General program information and relevant changes regarding the five (CDBG, ESG, HOME, HTF, HOPWA) programs covered under the 2022 State Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan will be presented at both the Public Input Session and Public Hearing. Online Zoom Link: https://okcommerce.zoom.us/j/95145566262 Meeting ID: 951 4556 6262 Call-in Phone Number: 346-248-7799