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2022 QAP Formal Input Session

The Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) sets the state's eligibility priorities and criteria for awarding tax credits. All QAP documents have been posted to the Affordable Housing Tax Credits page  Written comments will be accepted until noon, Tuesday August 10. Please send written comments to [email protected]. Comments may also be brought to the Input Session.

Event Details

Public Input Session 1: HOME, National Housing Trust Fund, HOPWA

2022 HOME Investment Partnerships Program, National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Action Plans Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency invites you to attend the following informal public input sessions regarding its Action Plans for the HOME, HTF and HOPWA Programs for Program Year 2022. Two sessions will be held. Choose

Event Details

Public Input Session 2: HOME, National Housing Trust Fund, HOPWA

2022 HOME Investment Partnerships Program, National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Action Plans Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency invites you to attend the following informal public input sessions regarding its Action Plans for the HOME, HTF and HOPWA Programs for Program Year 2022. Two sessions will be held. Choose

Event Details

4-Day Tax Credit Compliance Comprehensive

Note: this pricing is for the course WITHOUT the HCCP Exam. If you want the course and exam, click HERE. Housing funded through the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is an important part of Oklahoma's housing stock. This webinar series provides in-depth coverage of the compliance rules that must be followed by managers and

Event Details