Public Hearing: Single Family Administrative Rules Change

Single Family Mortgage Loan Program - Proposed Amendments, September 2022 NRI 22-696 accepted copy Single Family Amendments Rule Impact Statement The amended Single Family Mortgage Program Rules provide for important updates to the single-family mortgage loan program administered by OHFA. The proposed amendments provide for updates to definitions, statutory references, and the administration of the

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Public Hearing: HOME, HOPWA, and National Housing Trust Fund

General program information and relevant changes regarding the five (CDBG, ESG, HTF, HOME, HOPWA) programs covered under the 2023 State Consolidated Plan will be presented at both the State Consolidated Plan Public Input Session (September 30) and Public Hearing (October 28). Written comments regarding the 2023 State Consolidated Plan / Action Plan will be accepted

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TEFRA Hearing

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency (“OHFA”) is empowered under the Oklahoma Public Trust Act, Title 60 Oklahoma Statutes 2021, Sections 176 et seq., as amended, and pursuant to the Trust Indenture dated as of May 1, 1975 (as amended and restated in a Second Amended Trust Indenture dated as of November

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Online Public Opinion Meeting: Housing and Homelessness in Oklahoma

OHFA is working with a team from the OU Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture and OU Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work develop a plan, supported by public participation, to meet the requirements of a HOME-ARP funding allocation. Download the draft of the plan, submit comments about the plan, and register for

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Housing Choice Voucher Annual Plan Hearing

OKLAHOMA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY ANNUAL PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency’s (OHFA’s) draft Annual Plan for 2023-2024, along with supporting documentation, may be viewed Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at OHFA’s main office, located at 205 N.W. 63rd Street, Suite 140 in Oklahoma City.  The Plan provides details about

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Housing Stability Program – Public Input Session (Oklahoma City)

HB 1031, also known as the Oklahoma Housing Stability Program, became law June 2, with an effective date of July 1. The program provides $215 million for the new construction of single family homes, multifamily rental housing, and homebuyer down payment and closing cost assistance in rural and urban Oklahoma communities. Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency, as

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Housing Stability Program Public Input Session (Tulsa)

HB 1031, also known as the Oklahoma Housing Stability Program, became law June 2, with an effective date of July 1. The program provides $215 million for the new construction of single family homes, multifamily rental housing, and homebuyer down payment and closing cost assistance in rural and urban Oklahoma communities. Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency, as

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