Oklahoma Housing Needs Website Outlines Valuable Data

By OHFA Communications
Oklahoma Housing Needs

In collaboration with Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency, researchers at The University of Oklahoma have launched a website dedicated to the updated Oklahoma Housing Needs Assessment.

The Housing Needs Assessment website offers ain interactive tool that estimates the need for affordable housing in Oklahoma. Key features of the site:

  • Documentation of affordable housing needs across the entire state
  • Explanation of how much housing is needed​
  • Explanation of where is the housing needed.

​The site will be useful for policymakers, public agencies, developers, finance entities, analysts, local planners, and others involved in producing or operating affordable housing. The study defines affordable housing at or below 120% of the HUD adjusted median household income.

To access data on the website, users must create a user name and password. Welcome videos help users navigate the site's extensive features.



Learn More Through the Regional Housing Forum Series

Housing for Communities, in collaboration with a coalition of statewide partners including OHFA, will be hosting a series of Regional Housing Forums aimed at addressing Oklahoma’s housing challenges. 

Agenda Highlights:

  • 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • Unveiling the 2024 Oklahoma Housing Study: Shaping the Future of Oklahoma’s Communities
  • Interpreting the 2024 Statewide Housing Needs Assessment: Strategies for a Better Oklahoma
  • Mastering the 2024 Housing Study Website: Navigating Data for Informed Decisions
  • Technical Guidance on Applying for the Oklahoma Housing Stability Program

Ticket Pricing:

  • Housing Study Only: $20
  • Housing Study + HSP Training: $20
  • HSP Training Only: Free (Check-in at 3:00 PM)
Oklahoma Regional Housing Forum Series on a blue background with outline of the State of Oklahoma and a rooftop

Complete Listing of Regional Housing Forums


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