The Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) has been allocated $31.2 million in HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds as a part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
The purpose of the HOME-ARP funds is to provide assistance to individuals and families impacted by homelessness.
OHFA's existing allocation plan approved by HUD indicates that the funds will be utilized for supportive services, acquisition/development of non-congregate shelters; tenant based rental assistance; affordable rental housing development; non-profit operating; and non-profit capacity building.
OHFA is proposing an amendment to the plan that would allow for all of the HOME-ARP funds to be utilized solely for tenant based rental assistance and administration and planning.
Key Reasons for the Change
1. OHFA’s tenant-based rental assistance waiting list has been closed. These funds could help those in most need who are waiting for assistnce.
2. During winter months, the need for immediate help for individuals and families impacted by homelessness is critical.
3. Feedback received from various parties indicates that an overall lack of operating funds makes the development of specialized rental properties difficult.
4. OHFA will be able to help the most people with tenant-based rental assistance (estimated to be 400 families over four years) than with any of the other activities previously considered.
Submit Comments Through December 13
Beginning Tuesday November 28, OHFA will accept public comment on this proposed amendment to their allocation plan, and will do so for 15 calendar days, per HUD guidelines.
Please submit any comments via our online discussion forum by December 13, 2023.
Following the close of the public comment period, OHFA will consider all comments made and notify the public of any changes made as a result. OHFA will then submit a Substantial Amendment to HUD for consideration.
Once OHFA learns the determination of the Substantial Amendment, we will notify the public and allocate the funds accordingly.
OHFA’s existing HOME-ARP Allocation Plan may be found here: OHFA HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
Questions: Please contact Danette Carr at