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Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List Closes October 16

By OHFA Communications

Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency will close its Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) waiting list, effective Oct. 16. OHFA receives funding for the Program from the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development to assist families with rental assistance statewide. Current funding will support an average of 10,100 households each month.

”OHFA receives an average of 1,100 applications each month. The demand for assistance far exceeds available funding,” said OHFA executive director Deborah Jenkins.

Approximately 17,000 families are waiting for rental assistance. For some, the wait has been nearly three years. Closing the waiting list will allow OHFA staff to focus its efforts on processing existing applications.

Applications will be accepted through Oct.15. An announcement will be made once the list reopens.

If you have already applied and are attempting to check your status, visit

The Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is now closed to new applications
