At its Sept. 27 meeting, the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency Board of Trustees voted to award HOME Investment Partnerships Program and National Housing Trust Fund grants, leading to an increase in available affordable rental housing.
Approvals for HOME Investment Partnerships Program Grants
- KI BOIS Community Action Foundation, Inc. - acquisition and rehabilitation of three single family rental homes in Stigler, Haskell County
- Building New Foundations, Inc. - acquisition and rehabilitation of two single family rental homes in Cleveland County
Approvals for National Housing Trust Fund Grants
These awards are contingent upon OHFA's award of Affordable Housing Tax Credits at the November meeting.
- The Villages II, LP - new construction of six multifamily rental units in Owasso, Tulsa County
- Towne Square Apartments, LP - acquisition/rehabilitation of 14 multifamily rental units in Tulsa, Tulsa County