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Disaster Grants Available Following May 2022 Severe Weather Outbreak

By OHFA Communications

Families whose homes were damaged and are now uninhabitable during the recent severe weather events that began in early May are eligible to apply for an up to $1,500 grant through Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency’s Richard S. Lillard Emergency Housing Assistance Fund. OHFA has allocated a maximum of $500,000 to be used for natural disasters this fiscal year.

This announcement includes documentation necessary for the grants.

Eligible Uses

  • Payment of one month’s rent
  • Rental deposits
  • Utility deposits
  • Hotel accommodations

Funds will be paid directly to the housing, hotel, or utility provider. Funds cannot be banked for later use.

Documentation Needed/Eligibility

  1. Eligibility is limited to the head of household (HOH) and spouse
  2. Must have been displaced (home not habitable) in an affected disaster area
  3. Must have a referral from the American Red Cross or alternate MARC form and/or FEMA documentation if a Presidentially Declared Disaster certifying the damaged home is in a declared disaster area and the home was occupied by the applicant at the time of the disaster.  If an American Red Cross and/or a FEMA referral are not available, OHFA will review other documentation to attempt to establish eligibility. OHFA may consider photo IDs, utility bills, utility provider statements, local county assessor data, emergency management documentation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers evacuation orders, and other disaster documentation.
  4. Must provide a Social Security Number (SSN) or Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) number for each adult household member - provide SS or INS card or other documentation with the SSN/INS number, if no documentation is available, submit full number for OHFA to verify
  5. Must provide a valid photo ID for each adult household member
  6. Must provide an executed copy of a lease in the name of the HOH or spouse, which shows the contract rent and security (rent) deposit amount, if requesting funds for  payment of one month’s rent or security (rent) deposit;  Owner/landlord will be required to complete a W-9 form
  7. Must provide an executed copy of a lease in the name of the HOH or spouse which shows the utilities to be provided by the family, if requesting funds for payment of utility deposits; Must provide name, address, phone number, and account number for each utility provider; Utility must be in the name of the HOH or spouse
  8. Must provide the name, address, and phone number of the hotel and a hotel confirmation number, if requesting funds for payment of hotel accommodations; Hotel reservation must be in the name of the HOH or spouse; Hotel establishment will be required to complete a W-9 form; OHFA will pay up to $125/night (excluding tax) for hotel accommodations
  9. Each family may qualify for any or all of the above assistance up to the maximum grant amount of $1,500

Call (405) 419-8196 with questions.

Past Locations:

Saturday, May 14
Hours: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Hillsdale High School
300 E. Smith Ferry Rd.
Muskogee, OK 74403

Monday, May 16

Hours: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Reynolds Wellness Center
1001 E. Strother Ave.
Seminole, OK 74868
