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Input Requested: 2023 QAP and Oklahoma Housing Conference

By OHFA Communications

The Oklahoma Coalition for Affordable Housing (OCAH) is asking for input for the 2023 Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code that governs the LIHTC program. The Code specifies that state housing agencies such as OHFA develop QAPs to address housing priorities that are appropriate to local conditions.

OCAH is seeking input as to the relevance of the current criteria in the 2022 QAP and suggestions as to other criteria that may be considered. The survey will be open through Friday, March 11.

Data from this survey will be utilized for discussion at the OCAH QAP Task Force Open Input Session on Thursday, March 24, from 12:30-3:30 p.m. This input session is open for anyone who would like to discuss and provide feedback regarding the 2023 LIHTC QAP.

Take the OCAH 2023 QAP Survey Now:

OCAH QAP Task Force

The purpose of the QAP Task Force is to provide broader input and solutions that will lead to proposed modifications of the State’s 2023 QAP. Patrick Sheridan, owner of Sheridan Consulting, will facilitate the task force.

Details and timeline include:

  • February- QAP Survey!
  • March 24- Open Input Session
  • April- QAP Task Force Meeting(s) begin
  • May- Summary of proposed revisions & updates to the 2023 QAP

OCAH QAP Task Force Open Input Session

The OCAH QAP Open Input Session will take place on Thursday, March 24, from 12:30-3:30 p.m. The meeting is open for anyone who would like to discuss and provide feedback regarding the 2023 LIHTC QAP. To RSVP:

Please contact Lisa Albers, Coalition Board Member and QAP Task Force Chair, with any additional questions regarding the QAP Task Force at  For general questions about the Oklahoma Coalition for Affordable Housing, please contact Andrea Flowers-Householter, Executive Director, at

The 2022 Oklahoma Housing Conference is September 27-29 at The Reed Conference Center in Midwest City, Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Housing Committee needs your input on the types of sessions you'd like to attend at this year's conference. Please take this quick survey to give us your input! 

Take Survey Now.

The survey is open through Tuesday, March 8. If you have questions regarding the conference or the survey, please contact Andrea Flowers-Householter, OCAH Executive Director, at
