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COVID-19 Announcements for Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency

By OHFA Communications

All OHFA programs and services are fully operational. Our staff is working diligently to ensure daily operations are uninterrupted. We are available to perform the work necessary to assist Oklahomans with their housing needs.

OHFA's lobby is open to the public. Masks are strongly encouraged of building employees and guests. Clients are encouraged to drop paperwork into the outside drop box. Please utilize as much as possible to access Agency information.

Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)

The Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) operations will continue with some exceptions, please see below:

In-person initial certifications are by appointment only.

Utilize the OHFA website, fax (405) 879-8822 and the Assistance Connect online portal as much as possible.

Performance Based Contract Administration

Management and Occupancy Reviews will continue.

