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CDC Issues Emergency Order to Halt Evictions – Resources

By OHFA Communications

The  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an emergency public health order to temporarily halt most evictions to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, effective September 4, the anticipated date of publication in the Federal Register. The order will be effective through December 31.

Any past-due rent owed by the renter, including late fees, will come due upon expiration of the Order December 31. Renters who have fallen behind on paying rent will likely face eviction, as they will be unable to pay the past-due amount.

Renters at risk of eviction should complete the CDC Declaration Form. This declaration is for tenants, lessees, or residents of residential properties who are covered by the CDC’s order temporarily halting residential evictions You are still required to pay rent and follow all the other terms of your lease and rules of the place where you live. You may also still be evicted for reasons other than not paying rent. 

Eviction prevention assistance affords protection to both the renter and landlord. Call 211 or visit one of the following websites of organizations currently offering eviction prevention assistance.

Oklahoma City Metro: Community CARES Partners (CCP)  –

Oklahoma City Metro: Catholic Charities –

Oklahoma, Canadian & McClain Counties: Neighborhood Services Organization  –

Tulsa Metro:  Restore Hope Ministries & Tulsa Housing Authority –

Statewide: Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma –

Roger Mills, Beckham, Greer, Harmon, Kiowa, Caddo, Grady, Garvin, Jackson, Tillman, Comanche, Cotton, Stephens, Jefferson Counties: Southwest  Oklahoma Continuum of Care – or call the Coordinated Intake line: (580) 595-0063

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) have partnered at to help homeowners and renters during the coronavirus pandemic.

Also, for your awareness, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) has developed a Step-by Step guide for renters that are at risk of eviction. You can find the guide at the following link:

Information will be updated when we learn of other organizations providing services
