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OHFA Trustees Allocate $5.4 million in Affordable Housing Tax Credits

By Alicia Thomas

Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency’s Board of Trustees allocated $5.4 million in federal Affordable Housing Tax Credits and nearly $2 million in state credits at its May meeting.  

  • River West Phase I in Tulsa received $1 million in federal credits.  River West Phase I is part of a plan for the Tulsa Housing Authority and the City of Tulsa to revitalize and transform Tulsa’s Eugene Field neighborhood using multiple funding sources, including a $30 million HUD Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant.  Tulsa is one of five cities across the country to receive the grant in 2018. 
  • Oakland Estates in Claremore received $575,000 in both state and federal credits for new construction.
  • Timber Ridge Cottages in Broken Arrow received $570,000 in both state and federal credits for new construction.
  • Claremore Estates in Claremore received $431,946 in state and federal credits for new construction.
  • Whittier Heights in Tulsa received a federal award of $436,770 for new construction.
  • Lindenwoods Townhomes Phase I in Durant received $229,447 in federal credits for new construction.
  • The Estates of Newcastle in Newcastle received $650,000 in federal credits for new construction.
  • Apple Ridge Homes Phase III in Pauls Valley received $195,000 in both state and federal credits for new construction.
  • Superbia Retirement Village in Oklahoma City received $750,000 in federal credits for acquisition and rehabilitation.
  • Lakeland Cove Senior Village in Eufaula received $392,377 in federal credits for acquisition and rehabilitation.
  • Prairie Edge Apartments in Fairview received $198,000 in both state and federal credits for acquisition and rehabilitation.
